Why Does HH Cosmetics Follicle Stimulant (Rarely)Cause Hair Shedding?

Our HH Cosmetics Follicle Stimulant is an all natural product specifically formulated for people experiencing hair loss. The product comes as a cream, and is meant to be applied topically to your scalp on a daily basis as per the given instructions

When people first start using our HH Cosmetics Follicle Stimulant to restore their hair, a few  may notice that they actually start losing more of it - at least for a short period of time.
Through our own tests, and proven evidence, HH Follicle Stimulant can be used for hair loss caused by some certain types of Alopecia. But how do you know if it’s actually working, especially if it looks like you’re losing more hair than before?
Let’s cover temporary hair loss caused by HH Follicle Stimulant so you can understand how common it is, what causes it, and whether you should be concerned.

How does HH Follicle Stimulant work?

We class our HH Cosmetics Follicle Stimulant as a vasodilator, meaning that it dilates your blood vessels so that blood flows more easily where it’s applied. An increase in blood circulation to your scalp decreases hair loss while also increasing hair growth.

HH Follicle Stimulant and the hair growth cycle

Your hair follicles go through four phases of growth. Not every follicle is in the same phase at once. Our HH Cosmetics Follicle Stimulant  affects two stages of hair growth.

Anagen phase - Commonly known as the “growing” phase. This is when hair is being pushed out from the root. Applying our HH Follicle Stimulant helps to extend the length of this phase.
Telogen phase - commonly known as the “resting” phase. This is when hair has stopped growing but not yet ready to fall out. In our trials, HH Follicle Stimulant has shown to shorten this phase from 20 days to 1 to 7 days.

What causes HH Follicle Stimulant shedding?

Our HH Cosmetics Follicle Stimulant  has very rare to no side effects. However a few may experience mild side effects like mild itching and a burning sensation for those with sensitive scalps or allergy to essential oils. In addition for a few our HH Follicle Stimulant can also cause hair to shed when they start to use it. 

Our HH Cosmetics Follicle Stimulant speeds up the resting phase of your hair, and it can seem that hair is falling out more quickly than it normally should. It
however also extends the growth phase of your hair. That means that even though (for some) hair shedding is to be expected at first, new hair growth should soon replace the hair that you’ve lost.
Not everyone will experience shedding as a side effect of our HH Follicle Stimulant, but some may experience it severely due to being in the Telogen Phase.

Can you prevent HH Follicle Stimulant shedding?

You can’t do much to prevent HH Follicle Stimulant related shedding or even predict if yo will experience it when you first start using our product.

How long does HH Follicle Stimulant shedding last?

Results of our HH Follicle Stimulant vary from person to person. Generally speaking, it takes about 8 weeks of consistent use to start to see results. According to the data we have, after 4 months of use, you should start to see the end of hair loss and start to see new hair growth.

If it has been 4 - 6 months and you are  still seeing hair shedding, it may not be related to our HH Cosmetics Follicle Stimulant but highly possible that it is not the right product for you. We therefore recommend to see your primary care doctor or a dermatologist. They may be able to determine if hair loss is being caused by another underlying health condition.

You should always seek medical attention if you experience the following:

  • yellow, green, or gray discharge coming from broken skin on your head
  • persistent scales, redness, or irritation on your scalp
  • sudden, patchy hair loss that doesn’t fit your normal hair loss pattern
  • depression or a mental health concern related to your hair loss


Some shedding is normal when you start using our HH Cosmetics Follicle Stimulant . If shedding doesn’t stop within 4 - 6 months since you started your hair regimen with HH Follicle Stimulant, discontinue use and speak with your doctor about other hair regrowth options.

Are you on the fence? - We are not only science backed but also have proven that our products work through the use of our own products to reverse our founders severe hair loss. In addition we have over 900testimonial from our customers who are using our products. 


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